Sw Road Software


Best Road Design Software .



SW Road is the complete package for road design that is efficient, powerful, accurate and convenient. Since 1993, the software has evolved significantly with feedback from numerous projects and users. The current version of SW Road include multicore parallel processing, better graphics, and higher computation speed, designing of multilane roads, multialignment, handling of background imageries, 3D view and road animation and cost estimation

Interactive Design Environment

SW Road V2 has a standalone interactive design environment which is easy to use and familiar to CAD users

Built-in Digital Terrain Modelling

The SW Road V2 has built in power full DTM with unlimited points capability. The DTM is seamlessly integrated and can be used for extraction of Longitudinal and Cross Section Profiles as well as 3D Visualization

Powerful Cross-Section Editor

SW Road V2 includes a power cross-section editor with many options for structures, drains, walls and more in a very convenient design environment

Drawing Generation and Sheet Planning

Provides production of the final drawings with sheet planning directly in the DXF format which can be handled by many CAD application

Automated Quantity Abstraction

The quantity are automatically extracted from the cross-section for various types of works eg cut, fill, structure cut, structure volume etc. Quantities can be extracted for any given range of changes. A mass haul diagram is also integrated for earthwork to plan soil tips etc

Complex Design of Hill Roads

Option like checking for center line shifts, optimization of the structures, editing of the parameters for extra widening and super elevation, drainage design provide a powerful design environment required for the complex design of hill roads

3D Visualization

3D visualization of the road project is included with interactive viewing and animation mode. The 3D visualization provides the detailing of the walls, location of culverts, cutfill lines in complete rendered visual way.


The staking module is capable of providing information in the plan with all the types of the structures, cut-fill lines and more. This information is can be effectively used in land acquisition temporary by pass and storage planning works

Extra widening and super-elevation editing

Quickly edit the extra widening and super elevation parameters and have the changes readily updated in the plan and cross section

Pass Bys, Bus Bays, Acceleration-Deceleration Lanes, Variable Road Width

Dedicated tools for adding and editing pass-Bys, Bus Bays, Acceleration-Deceleration Lanes as well as variable road widths give the designer complete control over the complex design of roads.

Different types of horizontal curves

It can generate output with complete information of circular, circular and spiral combination or completely spiral curve elements of horizontal curves with in no time.



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