1. Bridge Type (Basic Design Concept & Material Specification)
1. Bridge Type (Basic Design Concept & Material Specification)1:23:24
2. D Type Bridge component & Design of Cable structure
2. D Type Bridge component & Design of Cable structure1:28:32
3. Design of Windguy Arrangements (D-Type)
3. Design of Windguy Arrangements (D-Type)1:28:32
4. Design of Main Anchorage Foundation (D-type)
4. Design of Main Anchorage Foundation (D-type)1:28:32
5. Design of Windguy Anchorage Blocks(D-type)
5. Design of Windguy Anchorage Blocks(D-type)1:16:11
6. Selection of standard steel and construction drawing (D-type)
6. Selection of standard steel and construction drawing (D-type)1:31:58
7. General Arrangement Drawing (D-type)
7. General Arrangement Drawing (D-type)1:22:12
8. Design Concept Basic Theory (N-Type)
8. Design Concept Basic Theory (N-Type)1:10:50
9. Bridge components, Design of Bridge Geomentry & Main cable structure (N-Type)
9. Bridge components, Design of Bridge Geomentry & Main cable structure (N-Type)1:10:17
10. Load combination with wind load, Tower capacity and Design of Tower(N-Type)
10. Load combination with wind load, Tower capacity and Design of Tower(N-Type)1:10:17
11. Design of walkway/Tower Foundation (N-Type)
11. Design of walkway/Tower Foundation (N-Type)1:04:37
12. Design of Main Anchorage Foundation (N-Type)
12. Design of Main Anchorage Foundation (N-Type)1:14:53
13. Design of Deadman Anchorage Foundation (N-Type)
13. Design of Deadman Anchorage Foundation (N-Type)1:07:26
14. Suspender Length Calculation, Design of Stabilizing Measures, Stabilizing Cables, Diagonal Stabilizers ,Lateral Stabilizer of Tower(N-Type)
14. Suspender Length Calculation, Design of Stabilizing Measures, Stabilizing Cables, Diagonal Stabilizers ,Lateral Stabilizer of Tower(N-Type)1:16:24
15. Design of Windguy arrangements(N-Type)
15. Design of Windguy arrangements(N-Type)1:10:17
16. Selection of Standard Steel and Construction Drawings, General Arrangement Drawings(N-Type)
16. Selection of Standard Steel and Construction Drawings, General Arrangement Drawings(N-Type)1:10:17
17. Bill of quantity for estimation of Trail Bridge
17. Bill of quantity for estimation of Trail Bridge1:28:32
18. Cost Estimates
18. Cost Estimates1:28:32
19. Design of steel truss bridge (pedestrain truss bridge)
19.1 Design of steel truss bridge (pedestrain truss bridge)1:06:48
19.2 Design of steel truss bridge (pedestrain truss bridge)1:06:48